
TK hand-delivers large QO Materials bench to IETR Rennes

Mid-december gave Trevor Walker and Richard Wylde the fun of driving - on the wrong side of the road - a trailer from Caen to Rennes in Brittany: We were delivering a seriously large (operating down to 12 GHz) four mirror (sums-of-focal-length) Quasi-Optical bench to the Institut d'Électronique et de Télécommunications de Rennes (IETR) laboratory. Destined for measurement to charaterise materials for advanced antennas, the systems have been supplied to our client Dr. Laurent de Coq via our French Agent, Alex Gerby of Arva.   We were please to measutre sub 1dB S21 losses though the system.

  Left to right: Laurent de Coq, Trevor Walker, Richard Wylde and Alex Gerby

TK also supplied a small 125mm cube-based QO bench for measurements at W-band above - currently equiped with 220-300 GHz UltraGaussian horns, and coupled to VDI Extender Heads attached to a R&S VNA



Thanks to the hospitality of Laurent  and his colleagues - and to the restaurants in Rennes and Caen and who provided us with some spendid meals.

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